Saturday, 13 August 2016

Classifying Networks by Geography

Local area network (LAN):

It is within a single building or maybe within a department. We can have multiple LANs in a single building.
Let's understand it through an example:

Devices on left side like A and B clients belongs to one Ip address and client C and D belongs to another different Ip address. Router stands in middle and separates those two sides, router is the dividing point between these two Ip addresses.
If client A wants to talk to file server it's in the same Ip address it doesn't go through router nobody will bother on right side, just traffic will go from client A to the switch and file server.
If traffic wants to go from client D to file server router will connect client D to the left side of ip address and that is what a router does it routes the traffic, and this is the example of LAN.

  • LAN is typically high speed 
  • It is centrally located maybe within a building or department.  

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