Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Catches Fire In a Plane

A Samsung Galaxy note 7 caught on fire which is to be considered safe by Samsung, it catches fire in Southwest Airlines flight 944 from Louisville to Baltimore. The plane was on the ground when Note 7 catches fire and all the passengers got out from that plane, passengers got afraid of the smoke on the plane.
The owner said he picked up the replaced Note 7 from AT&T store on 21st September. Box came with black square symbol so the phone was considered to be safe.
Owner said that when he started to power off the device as requested by flight crew then phone started emitting some smoke. He frightened and left the phone on the floor of plane and he quickly got out from that plane. The smoke from the phone was so much high that it burned the carpet floor of plane and it even damaged the floor of plane. When this accident took place the phone's battery was 80 percent left.
Right now the phone is the hands of local fire department for investigation and it's owner has bought a new iPhone 7.

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